Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Truth about Protein in Shake Mixes


Without high-quality protein, your body suffers -- you cannot create healthy heart and muscle tissue and many other vit

al body structures. Learn why whey is considered a complete protein.

Body builders, athletes and active people everywhere are drinking more protein shakes than ever... even when they don't taste all that great.

Dieters looking to lose those extra


pounds fast are replacing daily candy bars with protein bars... even when they taste more like sawdust than sweets.

People of all shapes and sizes and activity levels from teens to retirees are beginning to finally understand the value of protein in their daily diet.

So, what's all the buzz about?

Protein is an essential part of *every* cell in your entire body.

  • Helps build and repair your body's tissues

  • Assists in making enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals vital for optimal health

  • Is the necessary building block of your bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood

  • ... even your hair and nails are made mostly of protein!

Protein is a "macronutrient." Other macronutrients include fat and carbohydrates. Your body needs macronutrients to stay healthy. Compared to relatively small amount of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that your body requires, you need macronutrients (and lots of them) every day to stay well.

The main difference between protein, versus fats & carbs, is that your body cannot store protein. Regretfully, we know the same can't be said about fat!

So, what does this mean to you?

If you want to take advantage of protein's incredible health-enhancing benefits, you need a daily diet that is rich in them.

“Easy enough,” you say to yourself. “I'll just eat anything that has protein in it, right?”

Maybe not.

Getting the Right Protein is Critical

You need the right proteins delivered in the most effective way to guarantee peak benefits from head to foot.

Here are some great food sources of high-quality protein:

  • Poultry: If you remove the skin, you'll benefit from a good protein source without saturated fat.

  • Beef: Ideally grass-fed and organic, beef is an excellent source of protein.

  • Eggs: From free-range organic chickens and consumed raw or lightly cooked.

  • Beans and Legumes: Containing the most protein found in any vegetable, you can't go wrong with beans. In addition, they're a great source of fiber that'll help you feel full without overeating.

  • Nuts: Eaten in moderation, nuts offer a lot of protein power in a very small package.

But one of the easiest and quickest ways I've found to make sure I'm getting the best supply of high-quality protein in my daily diet is to supplement with an all-natural whey protein powder.

Whey protein powder will refuel your body with critical amino acids, micro-nutrients and cofactors you need to maintain optimal health.

Why Supplement Your Diet with an All-Natural Whey Protein Powder?

Particularly as you age, your body gradually loses its ability to produce critical amino acids -- the essential proteins you need for energy production, immune actions and protein buildup in the muscle.

Therefore, the need to supplement with these amino acids increases as you get older and increases even more in times of high physical stress, like after a workout, or when recovering from injury or illness.

That's where whey protein comes in...

Whey protein contains all the essential amino acids*. Plus it boasts the highest protein quality rating among all proteins. Thus, it is a complete protein.

Whey protein is a by-product of the cheese manufacturing process. At one time it was discarded or used for animal feed, but researchers later realized whey protein has incredible benefits for humans.

High-quality whey protein can have dramatic effects. Benefits include:

  • Supports your immune health*

  • Boosts your energy*

  • Supports your joint and muscle health*

  • Supports your beneficial gut bacteria*

  • Promotes your muscle strength, endurance and recovery*

  • Protects all your tissues' cells via its antioxidant properties*

  • Provides critical amino acids and proteins for overall optimal health*

  • Supports your body's optimal metabolic rate and fat burning level*

You can quickly see why whey protein is so beneficial for anyone living an active lifestyle.

Personally, I enjoy drinking shakes from whey protein powder -- there's no better way to greet the day or finish a workout than with a tasty cold protein shake.

But, finding a protein powder that contains the right proteins, in the most effective blend, with the most nutritionally beneficial outcomes, AND actually tastes good can be a real challenge...

Truly High-Quality Whey Protein Powder is Hard to Find

In fact, it can be downright impossible.

Perhaps you've done what I've done, and tried just about every brand out there... and you also questioned the same sorts of things I did:

  • What are all those random ingredients?

  • How do I know it contains the best proteins I really need?

  • Why does it contain so many artificial sweeteners?

  • How can I determine where the protein powder came from (e.g., are the cows grain fed or grass fed, hormonally treated or organic, and so on)?

  • What's the difference between heat and cold processing and how does it affect the protein powder?

  • Should I choose protein isolates or a concentrate?

  • ... and the questions go on and on!

What's the most challenging part of finding a quality whey protein powder? Most brands out there don't actually give you answers to any of these questions.

That's why it's important for you to know why...

Not All Whey Powders are Equal

In my research, I've learned a tremendous amount about the available whey protein powders on the market. I was shocked by what I discovered and I think you will be, too.

For starters, many commercially-available whey protein powders are significantly damaged and nutritionally deficient due to over-processing and because the original source of the whey is compromised.

That means before you've even opened the container, you're in trouble. And that's just not right. That's why I created a list that compares do's and don'ts when choosing a quality whey protein powder.

Do yourself a favor... Check out this list and make sure you're buying a whey protein powder that has all eight of these qualities needed to be a real winner...

The 8 Essentials to Look For in Your Whey Protein Powder

  1. All-natural, grass fed cows' whey, NOT pesticide-treated, grain-fed cows' whey

    Compared to grain-fed cows, grass fed cows produce whey that:

    • Is nutritionally superior to grain fed

    • Contains an impressive amino acid and immuno-supportive nutrient profile

    • Is rich in healthy fats--lipolic acid and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid)

  2. Hormone-free Cows, NOT hormonally-treated cows

    Many American dairy farmers inject the hormone rBGH in dairy cows to increase milk production. This hormone has been linked to serious disease and illness, including cancer. Choose whey made from hormone-free cows.

  3. Cold processed, NOT heat processed

    Most whey is heat processed which:

    • Makes the whey acidic and nutritionally deficient

    • Damages the immuno-supportive micronutrients and amino acids

    • Makes whey inadequate for consumption

    Cold processed whey protects the nutrients in their natural state.

  4. Acid-free processing, NOT Acid / Ion Exchange Processing

    Acid / Ion Exchange Processing is cheaper than acid-free processing, but it denatures the amino acid profiles by using acids and chemicals to separate the whey from the fats.

  5. Whey protein concentrate, NOT protein isolates

    Protein isolates are proteins stripped away from their nutritional cofactors. There are three problems with that...

    • All isolates are exposed to acid processing.

    • Your body cannot assimilate proteins in isolated form.

    • Due to over-processing, isolates are deficient in key amino acids and nutritional cofactors.

  6. Sweetened naturally, NOT artificially, and low carb

    Most whey products are artificially sweetened making them useless if you have sugar sensitivities, or just don't want to put artificial sweeteners or flavors into your body.

    Your whey should be low glycemic, low carb and should not contain any artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohol, glycerin, fructose, sugar or gluten.

  7. Maximum biological value, NOT compromised or damaged

    Most whey proteins provide some benefit. But, due to the ingredients, the source of the whey, the concentration of beneficial nutrients, or the type of processing, many whey products simply don't deliver what they promise.

    You want whey that's guaranteed to retain its maximum biological value -- one with all the key amino acids, cofactors and beneficial micronutrients present and intact rather than compromised or damaged, and not missing any amino acids or essential nutrients.

  8. Easy to Digest, NOT Causing Digestive Stress

    Many whey products contain long-chain fatty acids which are hard to digest and require bile acids to absorb.

    You want a whey protein powder with medium chain triglycerides (MCT). These are easily absorbed, digested quickly, and utilized as energy without causing digestive stress.

    Ideally, you want a product in which the MCT come from the best source of all -- coconut oil.


I realize that's a lot to look for in a whey protein powder, but it's absolutely worth your time and health.

You can search your local health food store's shelves and you might find one or two products that have some of the things you want, but that's unlikely... especially finding one that doesn't contain any of the things you don't want with those you do.

But, I'm about to make it easy for you.


  1. I think you have a pretty decent article here, but I do have one disagreement: Whey protein isolate is a better form of protein than whey protein concentrate. In fact, it has a higher content of amino acids, higher protein, fewer carbs and less fat per serving. Whey isolate it the purest form of protein available, and typically, it is easily digestible. If you're looking for a good protein, I recommend checking out They have an unflavored, undenatured whey protein isolate that is great to mix with just about anything. However, if you insist on whey concentrate, they also have that available.

  2. Thanks! I currently use AllMax IsoFlex which is nice and clean and also has BCAAs.
